Sri Lanka gives emergency powers to army, police after violence

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The government authorises military and police to detain people without arrest warrants the day after the deadly violence and the PM’s resignation.

Published On 10 May 2022

Sri Lanka has given emergency powers to its military and police to arrest people without warrants, after a day of violence that killed seven people and injured more than 200 in violence that prompted Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa to resign.

As the Indian Ocean nation battles its worst economic crisis in history, thousands of protesters had defied curfew to attack government figures, setting ablaze homes, shops and businesses belonging to governing party legislators and provincial politicians.

Despite sporadic reports of unrest, the situation calmed by Tuesday, said police spokesman Nihal Thalduwa, adding that about 200 people had been injured in violence that led to an islandwide curfew until 7am (01:30 GMT) on Wednesday.

Burnt vehicles of Sri Lanka's ruling party supporters are seen after they were set on fire during a clash of pro and anti-government demonstrators near the Prime Minister's official residence
Burned vehicles seen after they were set on fire during the violence in Colombo [Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters]

The government of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the younger brother of the prime minister, outlined broad powers for the military and police to detain and question people without arrest warrants.

The military can detain people for up to 24 hours before handing them to police, while any private property can be searched by forces, including private vehicles, the government said in a gazette notification on Tuesday.

“Any person arrested by a police officer shall be taken to the nearest police station,” it said, fixing a 24-hour deadline for the armed forces to do the same.

“There is a heavy military presence. On our way, we were stopped at multiple checkpoints manned by the air force, some by the army and the navy,” Al Jazeera’s Minelle Fernandez said in her report from Colombo on Tuesday.

Some analysts expressed concern over the potential for abuse of the emergency measures.

“In a situation where there is both a state of emergency and curfew who can monitor to ensure these regulations are not abused?” said Bhavani Fonseka of the Centre for Policy Alternatives think-tank based in Colombo.

The president had already declared a state of emergency on Friday as protests escalated.

Sri Lanka crisis
Supporters of Sri Lanka’s governing party set fire to tents at a protest camp set up by anti-government demonstrators in Colombo [Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters]

The attacks on government figures came in apparent reprisal for an incident just hours before Rajapaksa’s resignation.

Rajapaksa spoke to hundreds of supporters gathered at his official residence on Monday following reports that he was considering stepping down.

After his remarks, many of them, armed with iron bars, stormed a camp of those protesting against the government, beating them and setting fire to their tents.

Police used water cannon and tear gas to disperse the skirmishers, after having initially done little to hold back the government supporters, witnesses told the Reuters news agency.

Thousands streamed into the streets in celebration after Rajapaksa’s resignation, but the mood quickly became tense.

Protesters attempted to tear down the gates of Temple Trees, his residence in the centre of Colombo, where broken glass and discarded footwear littered the surrounding streets on Tuesday, after some of the night’s worst clashes.

Military personnel patrolled the area, where eight torched vehicles lay partially submerged in a lake. Discarded files and smashed equipment littered the ransacked offices of government officials.

Sri Lanka’s unprecedented economic crisis follows a pandemic that hit key tourism earnings, leaving the government grappling with rising oil prices and the effects of populist tax cuts.

It has sought assistance from multilateral lenders such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as well as Asian giants India and China.

Former Finance Minister Ali Sabry, who resigned on Monday, along with the rest of Rajapaksa’s cabinet, has said useable foreign reserves stand at as little as $50m.

Shortages of fuel, food and medicine have brought thousands onto the streets in more than a month of protests that had been mostly peaceful until this week.



Al Jazeera and news agencies