US midterms 2018: When do polls open and close?

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US midterms 2018: When do polls open and close?

More than 31 million people have already cast a ballot in the 2018 US midterms early voting. 

Millions more will head to the polls on November 6, in an election seen as a referendum on US President Donald Trump‘s first two years in office. 

Midterms generally garner low voter participation, but the Pew Research Center recently published a poll that found increased enthusiasm among voters this year.

With tens of millions set to head to polling stations on Tuesday, here’s information about when polls open and close: 

What times do polls open?

First polls will open in Vermont at 5am local time (10GMT). Many other states on the East Coast will follow between 6am local time (11GMT) and 7am local time (12GMT). 

Explaining the US midterms:

Polls in Texas will open at 7am local time (13GMT). 

Polls in California will open at 7am local time (15GMT). 

What time do polls close?

Most polling places will stay open for at least 12 hours. Many precincts will close between 6pm local time and 8pm local time, in their respective time zones.